Barbedor Small fonts

part of Barbedor font family

All Barbedor Small fonts you see below belongs to the well-known Barbedor font family. Please select the Barbedor Small fonts you want to buy and download:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download Barbedor Small Caps Medium fontBarbedor Small Caps Medium$19,95
download Barbedor Small Caps Regular fontBarbedor Small Caps Regular$19,95
download Barbedor Small Caps Volume fontBarbedor Small Caps Volume$99,00

Background: Brbedor typeface has been created by Hans Eduard Meier in the year of 1987. It is URW++ Font family. The most common form of this font is also known as Barbedor. It has eleven distinctive styles. These styles are different from each other. It has created new and unique style in the history of font style.
Designed 1987 by Hans Eduard Meier .

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