ITC Officina Serif fonts

part of ITC Officina font family

All ITC Officina Serif fonts you see below belongs to the well-known ITC Officina font family. Please select the ITC Officina Serif fonts you want to buy and download:

Background: Officina is more popularly known as ITC Officina Sans ® is a Linotype font family with 25 classical styles. Some of these styles include Officina Sans Book, ITC Officina Sans Book OS, Officina Sans Book SC, Officina Sans Book Italic and so on. It was created by Erik Spiekermann and Ole Schäfer in the year 1990. ITC Officina Sans is a registered trademark of International Typeface Corporation. This typeface exemplifies the ideals of efficient office works in both its serif and sans serif forms. With its high degree of clarity, it finds its application in the fields of text based headlines in newspapers and journals.
Designed 1990 by Erik Spiekermann.

Other fonts:
ITC Novarese, ITC Obelisk, ITC Obliqua, ITC Octone, ITC Odyssée, ITC Officina, ITC Oldbook, ITC Oldrichium, ITC Orbon, Itchy Handwriting, Janna