The Oron font family

Oron MF is a Masterfont font family with 20 styles. Some of these styles include Oron MF, Oron Light MF, Oron MF Italic and so on. It was designed by Asher Oron in the year 1968. Ideally suited to be used in moderate resolution settings, this typeface is used in calligraphic and cryptographic techniques. The design of this font type is owned by Masterfont.
Designed 1968 by Asher Oron.

The Oron font family includes several styles. Click one of the packages below to get more information about the Oron font (download version) you want:

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Ornata F, Ornata G, Ornate Blackboards, Ornate Initials, Ornella, Oron, Oronteus, Orotund, Orpheus, P22 Counter, P22 Speyside