Plantin Semibold fonts

part of Plantin font family

All Plantin Semibold fonts you see below belongs to the well-known Plantin font family. Please select the Plantin Semibold fonts you want to buy and download:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download Plantin Semibold fontPlantin Semibold$35,00
download Plantin Semibold Italic fontPlantin Semibold Italic$35,00

Background: Plantin ™ is a Linotype font family with 9 styles. It was designed by Frank Hinman Pierpont in 1913. Plantin was designed to be used in mechanical typesetting on the international publishing markets. This font type is extraordinarily readable and makes a classy and elegant notion. The bold appearance of this typeface was especially maximized to provide generous contrast. It is widely used in many writings in books and magazine publishing. It supports only lowercase characters which gives a professional and corporate look and feel. Plantin is a registered trademark of Monotype Typography.
Designed 1913 by Frank Hinman Pierpont.

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Planer, Planet, Planetor, Planscribe NF, Plant Assortment, Plantin, Planto, Plaq, Plasmatic, Poltergeist, Praise Titling