The Generis font family
Based on Linotype font genre, this particular font is available in four classical styles. Designed and developed by Erik Faulhaber in the year 2006, it has become widely accepted font in different segments of writing. It is developed keeping in mind its application in different segments of writing. It serves the actual communication purpose in corporate as well as in creative fields without any complications. With its design and appearance, it provides a majestic and aesthetic look that attracts users from any domain. ‘Generis Slab’ is an exclusive copyright of Linotype GmbH and may be used and recorded in certain jurisdictions. This particular font-type enhances its ability to set the characters in forty-eight Latin-based languages. Some of the most commonly used font styles include Generis Slab Light, Generis Slab Regular, Generis Slab Medium, and Generis Slab Bold and so on.
Designed 2006 by Erik Faulhaber.
The Generis font family includes several styles. Click one of the packages below to get more information about the Generis font (download version) you want:Designed 2006 by Erik Faulhaber.
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