Neuland font

Neuland is a Linotype font family that is available in 2 styles. These styles are Neuland and Neuland Star. It was developed by Rudolf Koch in 1923. Neuland is an exclusive copyright and registered trademark of Linotype GmbH which can be registered and used in certain jurisdictions. It supports only uppercase characters and gives the impression of the letterforms being bluntly cut in wood. Ideally suited to be used in low resolution settings, this typeface finds its application in text based headlines in newspapers and journals.
Designed 1923 by Rudolf Koch.

Neuland font download and further information:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download NeulandŽ Black fontNeulandŽ Black$29,00
download NeulandŽ Black fontNeulandŽ Black$29,00
download NeulandŽ Star Regular fontNeulandŽ Star Regular$29,00

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